28 October 2023

RIVER (Glossary, Antonyms, Synonyms and Comprehension Questions and Answers) FOR CLASS 9TH

 RIVER (Poem)

Summary: The poem "River, river, little river!" portrays the beauty and vitality of a river as it flows on its journey. The river is described as bright, sparkling, and playful as it dances over yellow pebbles and through flowers and foliage. It moves swiftly and energetically, like impetuous youth, rushing over rocks and by rose-banks. The river is compared to the passage of time, seemingly still, yet continuously moving towards the vast ocean, much like mortal life reaching its prime.

The poet uses vivid imagery to depict the river's journey, from its youthful and energetic flow to its broad and deep expanse, symbolizing the profundity of life. The river's path mirrors the eternal cycle, ultimately leading to the vast sea, representing eternity itself.

Overall, the poem celebrates the river's vibrancy, its dynamic nature, and its connection to the passage of time and the infinite expanse of the sea, leaving the reader with a sense of awe and admiration for the river's beauty and significance.


1.     River: A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.

2.     Sparkle: Shine brightly with small flashes of light.

3.     Yellow pebbles: Small, rounded stones of a yellow color.

4.     Dancing: Moving or leaping lightly and gracefully.

5.     Foliage: The leaves of a plant or tree.

6.     Brawling: Making a loud, harsh noise, typically as a result of rough and turbulent movement.

7.     Leaping: Jumping or springing quickly and forcefully.

8.     Impetuous: Acting or done quickly and without thought or care.

9.     Swelling: Increasing or becoming larger in size or volume.

10.  Rough and smooth: Referring to contrasting surface textures, with rough being uneven or irregular, and smooth being even and without bumps or irregularities.

11.  Louder, faster: Increasing in volume and speed.

12.  Brimming: Filled or overflowing to the point of being full.

13.  Still: Motionless, not moving.

14.  Time: The progression of events from the past through the present to the future.

15.  Seeming still: Appearing to be motionless.

16.  Motion: Movement or change in position.

17.  Onward: Moving forward or in a continuing direction.

18.  Ocean: The vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.

19.  Line: A length or extent of something.

20.  Sounded: Explored or measured the depth of a body of water using soundings or sonar.

21.  Sail: A piece of fabric attached to a mast or spar, used to propel a boat or ship by catching the wind.

22.  Rounded: Formed into a rounded or curved shape.

23.  Eternity: Infinite or unending time.



1.     Dull - Bright

2.     Contract - Expand

3.     Still - Moving

4.     Slow - Fast

5.     Quiet - Loud

6.     Rough - Smooth

7.     Ending - Beginning

8.     Empty - Full

9.     Shallow - Deep

10.  Inactive - Energetic


1.     River - Stream

2.     Sparkle - Glisten

3.     Dancing - Twirling

4.     Glancing - Glimpsing

5.     Rush - Surge

6.     Brawling - Roaring

7.     Leaping - Jumping

8.     Broad - Wide

9.     Deep - Profound

10.  Prime - Peak

11.  Headlong - Plunging

12.  Dash - Rush

13.  Sounded - Explored

14.  Rounded - Circumnavigated

15.  Eternity - Infinity

Comprehension Questions and Answers:

1.     What is the poem primarily about?

Ans: The poem is primarily about a river and its characteristics.

2.     How does the river sparkle?

Ans: The river sparkles brightly on its way.

3.     What does the river do over the yellow pebbles?

Ans: The river dances over the yellow pebbles.

4.     How does the river move through the flowers and foliage?

Ans: The river glances or moves quickly through the flowers and foliage.

5.     How is the river described in relation to a child?

Ans: The river is compared to a child at play.

6.     What does the river do when it encounters rough and smooth areas?

Ans: The river rushes through rough and smooth areas.

7.     How does the river sound as it moves?

Ans: The river brawls or makes a loud, harsh noise.

8.     How does the river move over rocks and by rose-banks?

Ans: The river sweeps or moves swiftly over rocks and by rose-banks.

9.     How is the river described in comparison to impetuous youth?

Ans: The river is compared to impetuous youth in terms of its speed and energy.

10.  How is the river described in relation to time?

Ans: The river is described as still as time, indicating a sense of timeless motion.

11.  Where does the river ultimately flow?

Ans: The river ultimately flows into the sea.

12.  How is the sea described in terms of exploration and rounding?

Ans: The sea is described as never sounded or explored and never rounded, indicating its vastness and unknown depths.

13.  What is the sea compared to?

Ans: The sea is compared to eternity.

14.  What is the overall tone of the poem?

Ans: The overall tone of the poem is one of admiration and awe for the river's continuous motion and the vastness of the sea.

15.  How does the poet characterize the river's journey to the sea?

Ans: The poet characterizes the river's journey to the sea as headlong and swift.

16.  How does the poem compare the river to the life of a human being?

Ans: The poem compares the river to the journey or life of a human being.

17.  In what way does the river represent the life of a human being?

Ans: The river represents the journey or stages of life that a human being experience.

18.  What does the river's sparkling and dancing symbolize in relation to human life?

Ans: The river's sparkling and dancing symbolize the joy, energy, and liveliness of human life.

19.  How does the river's movement through rough and smooth areas mirror human life?

Ans: The river's movement through rough and smooth areas reflects the ups and downs, challenges, and moments of ease that are encountered in human life.

20.  How does the river's brawling and sweeping reflect the human experience?

Ans: The river's brawling and sweeping signify the vigour, intensity, and sometimes turbulent nature of human existence.

21.  How is the river's journey to the sea compared to the progression of human life?

Ans: The river's journey to the sea is compared to the progression of human life, suggesting that both have a final destination or purpose.

22.  What does the river's arrival at the sea symbolize in relation to human life?

Ans: The river's arrival at the sea symbolizes the culmination or fulfilment of one's life, similar to how human life reaches its ultimate destination or fulfilment.

23.  How is the vastness of the sea compared to the concept of eternity in human life?

Ans: The vastness of the sea is compared to eternity, suggesting that both represent something greater, mysterious, and beyond the individual human experience.

24.  What does the comparison between the river's journey and human life imply about the passage of time?

Ans: The comparison implies that just as the river moves forward, human life progresses and moves forward through the passage of time.

25.  How does the poem's comparison between the river and human life invite reflection on the human experience?

Ans: The poem's comparison invites reflection on the similarities, transitions, challenges, and ultimate destiny that are inherent in the journey of human life.


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