29 November 2014

How to write a notice by Harinath Vemula

A notice is a formal means of communication. It’s used to announce something important in schools or public places. A notice must be put in a box. Draw some designs to the box if possible. (Notice à°’à°• సమాà°šాà°° à°¸ాధనం. à°’à°• à°®ుà°–్à°¯ à°•ాà°°్యముà°¨ు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°¤ెà°²ియపర్à°šుà°Ÿà°•ు Noticeà°¨ు à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయాà°²్à°²ో, à°ªాà° à°¶ాలల్à°²ో à°²ేà°¦ా జనం à°Žà°•్à°•ువగా à°¤ిà°°ుà°—ాà°¡ే à°ª్à°°ాంà°¤ాలలో à°ªెà°¡à°¤ాà°°ు. à°¦ీà°¨ి à°šుà°Ÿ్à°Ÿు à°’à°• à°…ందమైà°¨ à°¬ాà°°్à°¡à°°్ à°—ీయడం మరువరాà°¦ు.)
Format for the Notice: (There is no restricted format but let’s follow some common features)
Name of the office or organization
Heading (subject of the Notice)

Body of the Notice

Date:                                                                                                              Name: (In block letters)
Place:                                                                                                             Designation:
What to mention in the Notice (body):
                According to the demand of the Notice and its importance we have to give some data such as date, time, venue, occasion, eligibility, contents, identification marks (If missing notice), entry fee, agenda, purpose, who to attend, contact address and some other specific instructions if needed must be mentioned in the Notice. Along with these data around the Notice a border must be drawn.
Useful phrases or sentences to be written:
On the occasion of ….
It has been decided to conduct …..
It will be inaugurated by …….
All are welcome.
It’s happy to bring your notice that …..
It’s happy to announce that …. Etc.
                E.g. 1. You are the president of the English Literary Club of your school. Write a notice to the office bearers to attend the meeting to discuss on the arrangements on the Children’s Day celebrations. Mention time, date and other important details.
Meeting of the ELC
On the occasion of ‘Self Governance Day’ the ELC has decided to organize the celebrations in the order of the honourable Head Master. All the office bearers are requested to attend a meeting in the ‘English Corner Chamber’ on 12th of November 2014 at 10.15 am to discuss the arrangements for the day. The Head Master and the Teacher of English will preside the meeting.
Date: 10th Nov’14                                                                        Name: MR. ANILKUMAR V
Place: ZPHS Satharam                                                                 Designation: President ELC

E.g. 2. The Loins Youth Organization of Koratla is going to organize a ‘Holi Celebrations’ in the local college grounds. As the president of the association, draft a notice. Give other essential details too.
The Lions Youth Organization of Koratla is organizing “Holi Celebrations” in the city as per the following details.
Date: 12th of February, 2014
Time: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm
Venue: College grounds
Inauguration by: Hon’ M.L.A.
Lunch: 12.30 pm
All the citizens of the city are heartily welcome to the programme and requested to come along with their families and friends and make it a grand success by adding colour to it.
Date: 10th Feb’14                                                                             Name: Mr. SRIKANTH
Place: Koratla                                                                            President ‘The Lions Youth Koratla’

E.g. 3. You are the Head Master of your school. Give a notice to declare the Term-I holidays to the school.
According to the instructions of the Directorate of School Education of our state it has been declared the term-I holidays from 21st September, 2014 to 05th October, 2014. The school reopens on 6th October, 2014. The School Management Committee wishes all the students and the staff happy Dasserah.
Date: 20th September, 2014                                                                         Name: Miss SHIVANI
Place: ZPHS Satharam                                                                            Designation: Head Mistress
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A notice is a formal means of communication. It’s used to announce something important in schools or public places. A notice must be put in a box. Draw some designs to the box if possible. (Notice à°’à°• సమాà°šాà°° à°¸ాధనం. à°’à°• à°®ుà°–్à°¯ à°•ాà°°్యముà°¨ు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°¤ెà°²ియపర్à°šుà°Ÿà°•ు Noticeà°¨ు à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయాà°²్à°²ో, à°ªాà° à°¶ాలల్à°²ో à°²ేà°¦ా జనం à°Žà°•్à°•ువగా à°¤ిà°°ుà°—ాà°¡ే à°ª్à°°ాంà°¤ాలలో à°ªెà°¡à°¤ాà°°ు. à°¦ీà°¨ి à°šుà°Ÿ్à°Ÿు à°’à°• à°…ందమైà°¨ à°¬ాà°°్à°¡à°°్ à°—ీయడం మరువరాà°¦ు.)
Format for the Notice: (There is no restricted format but let’s follow some common features)
Name of the office or organization
Heading (subject of the Notice)

Body of the Notice

Date:                                                                                                              Name: (In block letters)
Place:                                                                                                             Designation:
What to mention in the Notice (body):
                According to the demand of the Notice and its importance we have to give some data such as date, time, venue, occasion, eligibility, contents, identification marks (If missing notice), entry fee, agenda, purpose, who to attend, contact address and some other specific instructions if needed must be mentioned in the Notice. Along with these data around the Notice a border must be drawn.
Useful phrases or sentences to be written:
On the occasion of ….
It has been decided to conduct …..
It will be inaugurated by …….
All are welcome.
It’s happy to bring your notice that …..
It’s happy to announce that …. Etc.
                E.g. 1. You are the president of the English Literary Club of your school. Write a notice to the office bearers to attend the meeting to discuss on the arrangements on the Children’s Day celebrations. Mention time, date and other important details.
Meeting of the ELC
On the occasion of ‘Self Governance Day’ the ELC has decided to organize the celebrations in the order of the honourable Head Master. All the office bearers are requested to attend a meeting in the ‘English Corner Chamber’ on 12th of November 2014 at 10.15 am to discuss the arrangements for the day. The Head Master and the Teacher of English will preside the meeting.
Date: 10th Nov’14                                                                        Name: MR. ANILKUMAR V
Place: ZPHS Satharam                                                                 Designation: President ELC

E.g. 2. The Loins Youth Organization of Koratla is going to organize a ‘Holi Celebrations’ in the local college grounds. As the president of the association, draft a notice. Give other essential details too.
The Lions Youth Organization of Koratla is organizing “Holi Celebrations” in the city as per the following details.
Date: 12th of February, 2014
Time: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm
Venue: College grounds
Inauguration by: Hon’ M.L.A.
Lunch: 12.30 pm
All the citizens of the city are heartily welcome to the programme and requested to come along with their families and friends and make it a grand success by adding colour to it.
Date: 10th Feb’14                                                                             Name: Mr. SRIKANTH
Place: Koratla                                                                            President ‘The Lions Youth Koratla’

E.g. 3. You are the Head Master of your school. Give a notice to declare the Term-I holidays to the school.
According to the instructions of the Directorate of School Education of our state it has been declared the term-I holidays from 21st September, 2014 to 05th October, 2014. The school reopens on 6th October, 2014. The School Management Committee wishes all the students and the staff happy Dasserah.
Date: 20th September, 2014                                                                         Name: Miss SHIVANI
Place: ZPHS Satharam                                                                            Designation: Head Mistress
Click to Download

Description of objcect, event and process

A.     Description of an object/animal (వస్à°¤ుà°µు/à°œంà°¤ుà°µు):
In description of an object we describe where it is, how it looks like (shape, size, colour), what it is used for etc. (వస్à°¤ుà°µుà°¨ు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి వర్à°£ింà°šునపుà°¡ు à°† వస్à°¤ుà°µు à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ à°µుంà°¦ి, à°¦ాà°¨ి à°°ంà°—ు, ఆకాà°°ం, à°¦ేà°¨ిà°•ొà°°à°•ు à°¦ాà°¨ిà°¨ి ఉపయోà°—ిà°¸్à°¤ాà°®ో à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి)
It’s a beautiful bureau having four little lion hind legs to bear the burden, painted grey and silver combination. The entire bureau is made up of the original teak wood which was taken from the local forest. It brings beauty to my hall in the centre occupying exactly 5x5 square shaped area, on the top with some beautiful designs drawn. Between the top and the legs some designed shelves, some colourful sketches here and there. Everyone who witnesses my bureau asks for the information where and how I bring it to home.

B.      Description of an event (à°¸ంఘటింà°šే పని):
Use details of that event such as what the event is, where it is taking place, the persons or things involved, the order of events to describe an event. (à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ జరుà°—ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి, ఎవరెవరు à°ªాà°²్à°ªంà°šుà°•ుంà°Ÿాà°°ు à°®ొదలగునవి వరుà°¸ à°•్à°°à°®ంà°²ో à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి) (Helping words: first, then, next, after that, finally and time indicators)
Observing Children’s Day
                It’s really enthusiastic to observe the Children’s Day Celebrations in the school on 14th of November of every year. It’s also called the Self Governance Day in schools as children themselves run the school acting as teachers and other staff of the school. First the children who participate as teachers and other officers come to school in colours according to their positions. Then the real teachers just observe the event that is going on and supports the children whenever necessary. After that there will be a meeting recollecting the greatness of the first Prime Minister of India with songs, speeches and other cultural activities in the presence of the first citizen of the village and the villages. Finally by prize distribution with sweets, ends the event with National Anthem.

C.      Description of process (à°•్రమము à°²ేà°¦ా పద్దతి):
While describing a process the sequence of the process is important and the details to be involved. (వరుà°¸ à°•్à°°à°®ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి) (Helping words: first, then, next, after that, finally)

Banana milk shake
If you love to make your loved ones to taste the Banana milk shake prepared by you, it’s simple, just follow the process. First take the banana peel and slice them into a bowl. Then pour the slices into the mixer grinder jar. Next add some ice and yogurt to the slices in the jar. After that run the juicer for some time until it gets smoother. Finally pour it into a glass and then add some tiny pieces of different dry fruits.  That’s all the Banana milk shake is ready.

A.     Description of an object/animal (వస్à°¤ుà°µు/à°œంà°¤ుà°µు):
In description of an object we describe where it is, how it looks like (shape, size, colour), what it is used for etc. (వస్à°¤ుà°µుà°¨ు à°—ుà°°ింà°šి వర్à°£ింà°šునపుà°¡ు à°† వస్à°¤ుà°µు à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ à°µుంà°¦ి, à°¦ాà°¨ి à°°ంà°—ు, ఆకాà°°ం, à°¦ేà°¨ిà°•ొà°°à°•ు à°¦ాà°¨ిà°¨ి ఉపయోà°—ిà°¸్à°¤ాà°®ో à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి)
It’s a beautiful bureau having four little lion hind legs to bear the burden, painted grey and silver combination. The entire bureau is made up of the original teak wood which was taken from the local forest. It brings beauty to my hall in the centre occupying exactly 5x5 square shaped area, on the top with some beautiful designs drawn. Between the top and the legs some designed shelves, some colourful sketches here and there. Everyone who witnesses my bureau asks for the information where and how I bring it to home.

B.      Description of an event (à°¸ంఘటింà°šే పని):
Use details of that event such as what the event is, where it is taking place, the persons or things involved, the order of events to describe an event. (à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ జరుà°—ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి, ఎవరెవరు à°ªాà°²్à°ªంà°šుà°•ుంà°Ÿాà°°ు à°®ొదలగునవి వరుà°¸ à°•్à°°à°®ంà°²ో à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి) (Helping words: first, then, next, after that, finally and time indicators)
Observing Children’s Day
                It’s really enthusiastic to observe the Children’s Day Celebrations in the school on 14th of November of every year. It’s also called the Self Governance Day in schools as children themselves run the school acting as teachers and other staff of the school. First the children who participate as teachers and other officers come to school in colours according to their positions. Then the real teachers just observe the event that is going on and supports the children whenever necessary. After that there will be a meeting recollecting the greatness of the first Prime Minister of India with songs, speeches and other cultural activities in the presence of the first citizen of the village and the villages. Finally by prize distribution with sweets, ends the event with National Anthem.

C.      Description of process (à°•్రమము à°²ేà°¦ా పద్దతి):
While describing a process the sequence of the process is important and the details to be involved. (వరుà°¸ à°•్à°°à°®ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి) (Helping words: first, then, next, after that, finally)

Banana milk shake
If you love to make your loved ones to taste the Banana milk shake prepared by you, it’s simple, just follow the process. First take the banana peel and slice them into a bowl. Then pour the slices into the mixer grinder jar. Next add some ice and yogurt to the slices in the jar. After that run the juicer for some time until it gets smoother. Finally pour it into a glass and then add some tiny pieces of different dry fruits.  That’s all the Banana milk shake is ready.

28 November 2014

Description of place in English by Harinath Vemula

A.      Description of a place (à°¸్థలం):
While describing a place concentrate on the images, sensory perceptions, location etc. (à°¸్థలం à°—ుà°°ింà°šి వర్à°£ింà°šునపుà°¡ు à°¦ాà°¨ిà°¨ి à°•à°³్ళకు à°•à°Ÿ్à°Ÿినట్à°Ÿుà°—ా images à°µాà°¡ుà°¤ూ à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి.)
This city is well known for …
The views are …
It’s got …
The atmosphere is …
You can see …
You shouldn’t miss …
It’s located in …
It’s close to…
It’s far away from …
What I don’t like about it is …
The good thing about this place is …
A popular tourist attraction is …
It’s popular with tourists because…
                E.g. 1.
Warangal is the well-known city for the bravery of Kakatiya dynasty. It’s not far away from Hyderabad, just 120 kilometers. The views are Fort Warangal which is called as Ekashilanagar as it consist of a solitary rocky mountain along with a temple and a small lake on it. One shouldn’t miss the Thousand Pillars Temple, Musical Garden, Ramappa Temple and the Lake in Palampet. The good thing about this place is the people of this city are really worm hearted.
E.g. 2.
He stood on the grass verge by the side of the road and looked over the garden wall at the old house. It hadn’t changed much. The old house built with solid blocks of granite wasn’t altered at all. But there was a new outhouse, and there were fewer trees. He was glad to see that the jackfruit tree still stood at the side of the building casting its shade on the wall. He remembered his grandmother saying: “A blessing rests on the house where the shadow of a tree falls. And so the present owners must also be receiving the tree’s blessings. At the spot where he stood there had once been a turnstile, and as a boy he would wing on it, going round and round until he was quite dizzy. Now the turnstile had gone, the opening walled up. Tall hollyhocks grew on the other side of the wall.

A.      Description of a place (à°¸్థలం):
While describing a place concentrate on the images, sensory perceptions, location etc. (à°¸్థలం à°—ుà°°ింà°šి వర్à°£ింà°šునపుà°¡ు à°¦ాà°¨ిà°¨ి à°•à°³్ళకు à°•à°Ÿ్à°Ÿినట్à°Ÿుà°—ా images à°µాà°¡ుà°¤ూ à°°ాà°¯ాà°²ి.)
This city is well known for …
The views are …
It’s got …
The atmosphere is …
You can see …
You shouldn’t miss …
It’s located in …
It’s close to…
It’s far away from …
What I don’t like about it is …
The good thing about this place is …
A popular tourist attraction is …
It’s popular with tourists because…
                E.g. 1.
Warangal is the well-known city for the bravery of Kakatiya dynasty. It’s not far away from Hyderabad, just 120 kilometers. The views are Fort Warangal which is called as Ekashilanagar as it consist of a solitary rocky mountain along with a temple and a small lake on it. One shouldn’t miss the Thousand Pillars Temple, Musical Garden, Ramappa Temple and the Lake in Palampet. The good thing about this place is the people of this city are really worm hearted.
E.g. 2.
He stood on the grass verge by the side of the road and looked over the garden wall at the old house. It hadn’t changed much. The old house built with solid blocks of granite wasn’t altered at all. But there was a new outhouse, and there were fewer trees. He was glad to see that the jackfruit tree still stood at the side of the building casting its shade on the wall. He remembered his grandmother saying: “A blessing rests on the house where the shadow of a tree falls. And so the present owners must also be receiving the tree’s blessings. At the spot where he stood there had once been a turnstile, and as a boy he would wing on it, going round and round until he was quite dizzy. Now the turnstile had gone, the opening walled up. Tall hollyhocks grew on the other side of the wall.

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