13 November 2016




Narration literally means to tell a story making use of descriptive language to create a clear picture in reader’s mind of what is being described. It should have a plot, setting and characterization, there might be some open end.
Types of Narrative
There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience.

1. Containing a sequence of events and dialogues.
2. Evoking sensory perceptions and images.
3. Evoking emotions.
4. Writing about setting and other details.
5. Writing characterization.
6. Maintaining coherence.
7. Reflecting point of view.
8. Using well-formed constructions.
9. Maintaining conventions of writing –spelling.
10. Using proper punctuations.

A good narration includes….
 A plot.
 A certain theme.
 Sensory perceptions.
 Variety beginnings in sentences with adverbs, adjectives (happily reached home)
 Begins with participles (Creeping all the way I reached the bus stop)
 Metaphor (The boy has eyes like an eye of an eagle)
 Onomatopoeia (The bus tires whir on the road)
 Personification (The cool wind limped across my face)
 Rhetorical questions (How rigorous if we travelled in a bus with no window panes in chilled weather?)
1. How do you begin a story?
2. What is the plot of the story?
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. What is the location where the story began?
5. Why did the emperor ask Mahesh to visit his palace?
6. When and why did Mahesh go the emperor’s court?
7. Who did he meet at the gate of the fort?
8. What was the condition laid by the guard to allow him to enter?
9. How did the emperor realize the bullying of the guard?
10. What was the result?
11. Do you maintain the coherence?
12. Do you use well formed sentences?
13. Do you maintain conventions of language?


Emperor Akbar loved to go hunting. On one such trip, he came across a young man named Mahesh Das. In the meeting that occurred, the Emperor was extremely impressed by the wit of Mahesh Das. He gave Mahesh Das his ring and asked him to come and visit him in his palace at any time.

A few years later Mahesh Das decided to try his luck in the city and to take the emperor up on his offer. He reached the city of Agra where Emperor Akbar had his fort on the banks of the Yamuna River. At the gate of the fort he was greeted by the guards. He told them that he had come to visit with the emperor. The guards looked at him in disdain (since he was not very well dressed) and asked him why they should let him in. He showed them the ring that was given to him by the emperor as proof. One of the guards realized that this individual obviously was of importance to the emperor and gave him permission to enter, based on one condition: the young man would share half of what he received from the emperor with the guard. Mahesh Das promised to do so and was given access into the court of Emperor Akbar.

He bowed to the emperor as he went in and showed him the ring. The reputedly benevolent Emperor Akbar recognized the ring and the young man and immediately offered him anything he wanted. The young man thought a while, and asked the emperor for fifty lashes of the whip. The emperor was amazed but he knew that Mahesh Das was a very astute young man and asked him for his reason for his wish. Mahesh Das revealed to the emperor that the deal that he had made with the guard outside the fort. The emperor was thoroughly amused and angry at the same time. He awarded the fifty lashes to the guard for his impertinence and his habit of bullying people. He rewarded Mahesh Das by including him in his court and giving him all the comforts he could desire. He also bestowed on him the name of Birbal. Till this day, stories of Birbal’s wit are told to children in India.



Narration literally means to tell a story making use of descriptive language to create a clear picture in reader’s mind of what is being described. It should have a plot, setting and characterization, there might be some open end.
Types of Narrative
There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience.

1. Containing a sequence of events and dialogues.
2. Evoking sensory perceptions and images.
3. Evoking emotions.
4. Writing about setting and other details.
5. Writing characterization.
6. Maintaining coherence.
7. Reflecting point of view.
8. Using well-formed constructions.
9. Maintaining conventions of writing –spelling.
10. Using proper punctuations.

A good narration includes….
 A plot.
 A certain theme.
 Sensory perceptions.
 Variety beginnings in sentences with adverbs, adjectives (happily reached home)
 Begins with participles (Creeping all the way I reached the bus stop)
 Metaphor (The boy has eyes like an eye of an eagle)
 Onomatopoeia (The bus tires whir on the road)
 Personification (The cool wind limped across my face)
 Rhetorical questions (How rigorous if we travelled in a bus with no window panes in chilled weather?)
1. How do you begin a story?
2. What is the plot of the story?
3. Who are the characters in the story?
4. What is the location where the story began?
5. Why did the emperor ask Mahesh to visit his palace?
6. When and why did Mahesh go the emperor’s court?
7. Who did he meet at the gate of the fort?
8. What was the condition laid by the guard to allow him to enter?
9. How did the emperor realize the bullying of the guard?
10. What was the result?
11. Do you maintain the coherence?
12. Do you use well formed sentences?
13. Do you maintain conventions of language?


Emperor Akbar loved to go hunting. On one such trip, he came across a young man named Mahesh Das. In the meeting that occurred, the Emperor was extremely impressed by the wit of Mahesh Das. He gave Mahesh Das his ring and asked him to come and visit him in his palace at any time.

A few years later Mahesh Das decided to try his luck in the city and to take the emperor up on his offer. He reached the city of Agra where Emperor Akbar had his fort on the banks of the Yamuna River. At the gate of the fort he was greeted by the guards. He told them that he had come to visit with the emperor. The guards looked at him in disdain (since he was not very well dressed) and asked him why they should let him in. He showed them the ring that was given to him by the emperor as proof. One of the guards realized that this individual obviously was of importance to the emperor and gave him permission to enter, based on one condition: the young man would share half of what he received from the emperor with the guard. Mahesh Das promised to do so and was given access into the court of Emperor Akbar.

He bowed to the emperor as he went in and showed him the ring. The reputedly benevolent Emperor Akbar recognized the ring and the young man and immediately offered him anything he wanted. The young man thought a while, and asked the emperor for fifty lashes of the whip. The emperor was amazed but he knew that Mahesh Das was a very astute young man and asked him for his reason for his wish. Mahesh Das revealed to the emperor that the deal that he had made with the guard outside the fort. The emperor was thoroughly amused and angry at the same time. He awarded the fifty lashes to the guard for his impertinence and his habit of bullying people. He rewarded Mahesh Das by including him in his court and giving him all the comforts he could desire. He also bestowed on him the name of Birbal. Till this day, stories of Birbal’s wit are told to children in India.

12 November 2016

Children's Day Speech Script for Higher Level

Children's Day Speech Script

Some speech scripts are give for model to deliver on the Dias on the occasion of "CHILDREN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS'. You can download them and alter at your will so that it will fulfill your needs. Do please subscribe me on YouTube and follow me on Facebook. To download the HIGHER LEVEL SPEECH files click the links given below.

Children's Day Speech Script

Some speech scripts are give for model to deliver on the Dias on the occasion of "CHILDREN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS'. You can download them and alter at your will so that it will fulfill your needs. Do please subscribe me on YouTube and follow me on Facebook. To download the HIGHER LEVEL SPEECH files click the links given below.

11 November 2016

Children's Day Speech Script for Primary Level

Children's Day Speech Script

Some speech scripts are give for model to deliver on the Dias on the occasion of "CHILDREN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS'. You can download them and alter at your will so that it will fulfill your needs. Do please subscribe me on YouTube and follow me on Facebook. To download the PRIMARY LEVEL SPEECH files click the links given below.

Speech1       Speech2         Speech3       Speech4     Speech5     Speech6

Children's Day Speech Script

Some speech scripts are give for model to deliver on the Dias on the occasion of "CHILDREN'S DAY CELEBRATIONS'. You can download them and alter at your will so that it will fulfill your needs. Do please subscribe me on YouTube and follow me on Facebook. To download the PRIMARY LEVEL SPEECH files click the links given below.

Speech1       Speech2         Speech3       Speech4     Speech5     Speech6

01 November 2016

FA 3 Model-2 Slip Test Question Papers for 6th to 10th English

FA 3 Model-2 Slip Test Question Papers 

for the classes 6th to 10th English

Here are some model question papers for formative assessment 3 for the classes 6th to 10th for the subject English prepared by Teachers of  English from Andhra Pradesh, we thank you so much for your valuable contribution sir. To download the question papers click the links given below.

class6      class7      class8      class9      class10

FA 3 Model-2 Slip Test Question Papers 

for the classes 6th to 10th English

Here are some model question papers for formative assessment 3 for the classes 6th to 10th for the subject English prepared by Teachers of  English from Andhra Pradesh, we thank you so much for your valuable contribution sir. To download the question papers click the links given below.

class6      class7      class8      class9      class10

25 October 2016

Comprehension Test from Rendezvous with Ray for tenth class (10) English

Comprehension Test from Rendezvous with Ray 

for tenth class (10) English

Here is a model comprehension test with answers for tenth class English. To download the file click the link given below.

Comprehension Test from Rendezvous with Ray 

for tenth class (10) English

Here is a model comprehension test with answers for tenth class English. To download the file click the link given below.

Model Editing test from Rendezvous with Ray for class 10 English subject

Model Editing test from Rendezvous with Ray for class 10 English subject for the students of TS also useful for AP

Here is a model editing test from the Unit 4 and the Reading Section A "Rendezvous with Ray". To download the test click the link given below.

Model Editing test from Rendezvous with Ray for class 10 English subject for the students of TS also useful for AP

Here is a model editing test from the Unit 4 and the Reading Section A "Rendezvous with Ray". To download the test click the link given below.

24 October 2016

Model Editing Tests for Class 10 English for TS

Model Editing Tests for Class 10 English 

for TS also useful for AP

Here are some model editing tests with answers and their explanations. To download the tests click the links given below.

Model Editing Tests for Class 10 English 

for TS also useful for AP

Here are some model editing tests with answers and their explanations. To download the tests click the links given below.

19 October 2016

Formative Assessment 3 model English Slip Tests - questions papers for AP also useful for TS

Formative Assessment 3 model English questions papers for AP also useful for TS

 Here are the model formative assessment slip tests for classes from 6th to 10th for the syllabus of Andhra Pradesh and also useful for TS. These question papers are prepared by Mr.S.V.Ramanarao S.A.Eng
Z.P.H.S PALLISARADHI  VAJRAPUKOTTURU MANDAL. We thank him for his services rendered for. To download the slip tests or the question papers click he links given below. Click each class once to download them.

Formative Assessment 3 model English questions papers for AP also useful for TS

 Here are the model formative assessment slip tests for classes from 6th to 10th for the syllabus of Andhra Pradesh and also useful for TS. These question papers are prepared by Mr.S.V.Ramanarao S.A.Eng
Z.P.H.S PALLISARADHI  VAJRAPUKOTTURU MANDAL. We thank him for his services rendered for. To download the slip tests or the question papers click he links given below. Click each class once to download them.

14 October 2016

Another Woman Choreography script for Class 10 English (TS)

Another Woman Choreography script 

for Class 10 English (TS)

Here is the complete model choreography script for the poem Another Woman for class 10 English for the sake of the students of Telangana. This is the first part of the poem and the second part will be posted soon. To download the choreography script click the link given below.

Another Woman Choreography script 

for Class 10 English (TS)

Here is the complete model choreography script for the poem Another Woman for class 10 English for the sake of the students of Telangana. This is the first part of the poem and the second part will be posted soon. To download the choreography script click the link given below.

05 October 2016

The Storeyed House - 1 Audio lesson for class 10 English

The Storeyed House - 1 

Audio lesson for class 10 English

Here is a model audio lesson for Unit 5 The Storeyed House Part - 1 in two different voices male and female. It is for the students of the class 10 and their English subject. To download the files click the links given below.

Male voice              Female voice

The Storeyed House - 1 

Audio lesson for class 10 English

Here is a model audio lesson for Unit 5 The Storeyed House Part - 1 in two different voices male and female. It is for the students of the class 10 and their English subject. To download the files click the links given below.

Male voice              Female voice

03 October 2016

Vocabulary for teaching MATHEMATICS for all classes with pictures

Vocabulary for teaching MATHEMATICS 

for all classes with pictures

Here is a set of vocabulary flash cards can be used in classroom transaction to make maths more fun to the students. They are all together KG TO 6TH in a single file. You could find the exact and accurate picture to a particular math term in every flashcard. The file is a compressed one. If you are unable to open it use a programme that opens a compressed file. To download the file at once click the link given below.

Vocabulary for teaching MATHEMATICS 

for all classes with pictures

Here is a set of vocabulary flash cards can be used in classroom transaction to make maths more fun to the students. They are all together KG TO 6TH in a single file. You could find the exact and accurate picture to a particular math term in every flashcard. The file is a compressed one. If you are unable to open it use a programme that opens a compressed file. To download the file at once click the link given below.

30 September 2016

Key papers for AP SA1 all subjects download SCERT Andhra Pradesh

Telugu                         Sanskrit                    Mathematics              General Science             Social Studies

Key papers for AP SA1 English question papers download SCERT Andhra Pradesh

Download by clicking the links below

class6            class7                class8                class9                class10

Telugu                         Sanskrit                    Mathematics              General Science             Social Studies

Key papers for AP SA1 English question papers download SCERT Andhra Pradesh

Download by clicking the links below

class6            class7                class8                class9                class10





Here is an audio lesson for Unit 4 Reading C of English syllabus of class 10. To make it download click the link given below.




Here is an audio lesson for Unit 4 Reading C of English syllabus of class 10. To make it download click the link given below.


Rendezvous with Ray audio lesson                                                                          A Tribute audio lesson



Here is an audio lesson for class 10 students from English subject Unit 4 Reading B. Make it download and listen to it as many a time as possible so that you could grasp the proper pronunciation and the gist of the passage as well. To download it click the link given below.

Rendezvous with Ray audio lesson                                                                          A Tribute audio lesson



Here is an audio lesson for class 10 students from English subject Unit 4 Reading B. Make it download and listen to it as many a time as possible so that you could grasp the proper pronunciation and the gist of the passage as well. To download it click the link given below.

16 September 2016

FA2 Social Slip Test for Telangana for class 10

Here is a model formative assessment slip test for class 10 for the syllabus of Telangana prepared by Mr. MD Azeem SA social ZPHS Satharam, Mallapur, Karimnagar. Thank you sir.

To download the paper click the link given below. 

Here is a model formative assessment slip test for class 10 for the syllabus of Telangana prepared by Mr. MD Azeem SA social ZPHS Satharam, Mallapur, Karimnagar. Thank you sir.

To download the paper click the link given below. 

Mathematics games and activities for elementary classes download for free

Mathematics games and activities for elementary classes

Here are some classroom practicable games and activities along with some printable worksheets to practice in classroom. Try them to adopt in classroom practice. They are really awesome. By using them in the routine classroom, we could make the class more active than ever. To download the files click the links given below.

2. Teaching Mathematics through activities NCERT: 

Mathematics games and activities for elementary classes

Here are some classroom practicable games and activities along with some printable worksheets to practice in classroom. Try them to adopt in classroom practice. They are really awesome. By using them in the routine classroom, we could make the class more active than ever. To download the files click the links given below.

2. Teaching Mathematics through activities NCERT: 

13 September 2016

Rendezvous with Ray Audio Lessons for class 10 English

Rendezvous with Ray 

A complete Audio Lesson

for class 10 English

Click the links given below to download the audio lessons

Rendezvous with Ray 

A complete Audio Lesson

for class 10 English

Click the links given below to download the audio lessons

12 September 2016

Five Minutes Classroom Activities for joyful learning English

Five Minutes Classroom Activities for joyful learning English 

Here are two pdf books having many activities to be done in our classroom to make them lively and enjoying learning English. Use them at your will in your classroom transaction and see the difference, the children definitely love you a lot as they love to play every time. To download the books click the links given below.

Five Minutes Classroom Activities for joyful learning English 

Here are two pdf books having many activities to be done in our classroom to make them lively and enjoying learning English. Use them at your will in your classroom transaction and see the difference, the children definitely love you a lot as they love to play every time. To download the books click the links given below.

11 September 2016

Most frequently used 1000 common words in English Useful for Elementary students Useful for LPL students

Most frequently used 

1000 common words in English

Useful for Elementary students

Useful for LPL students

Graded into 10x100=1000

To download the flashcards click the links given below...

List of first 100 words 

List of second 100 words 

List of third 100 words 

List of fourth 100 words 

List of fifth 100 words 

List of sixth 100 words 

List of seventh 100 words 

List of eighth 100 words 

List of ninth 100 words 

List of tenth 100 words 

Most frequently used 

1000 common words in English

Useful for Elementary students

Useful for LPL students

Graded into 10x100=1000

To download the flashcards click the links given below...

List of first 100 words 

List of second 100 words 

List of third 100 words 

List of fourth 100 words 

List of fifth 100 words 

List of sixth 100 words 

List of seventh 100 words 

List of eighth 100 words 

List of ninth 100 words 

List of tenth 100 words 

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